Sunday, 7 August 2011

Sunday, crazy Sunday

I will always wonder how is it possible to experience a heavy rain, strong sunshine and crushing winds in one day in England. And we are only in the beginning of August. Although, I got used to English climate and must say, in some sense it is much more acceptable for my body as I don't cope well with the heat, I kind of miss the "proper" summer. Sticky nights when you can sleep under the thinnest sheet or nothing and you don't feel cold; the morning air scented with ripe raspberries and a fresh tea made out of raspberry leaves served with ice cubes; still warm, home made rolls dripping with melting butter...
 My childhood summer holiday memories are full of warmth, clear blue skies and lazy mornings; long breakfasts at my grandmother's house, forced midday snacks, early lunches, afternoon teas and finally exhausting suppers. Yes, five meals a day, every day, for a period of 8 weeks! Yes, I have always come back home plumper, rounder, bigger, happier! My grandmother was the ultimate goddess of the family keeping art. Well, that sounds like bee keeping! And she was as busy as the bee queen.
Today reminded me the days I was happy, contented, placid in my grandmother's arms, quite happy to be bossed around to do some housework, to help out in the garden, to go shopping in the morning before the sun came up too much and the streets would start to melt. Today, although it was raining, it was sunny, it was windy, today I stopped for a moment and reminisced about my grandmother who died only a few weeks ago. And I realized how little time I have spent recently to give her more of my thoughts and gratitude for all she has ever done for me.

Thanks to English weather, thanks to Sunday, crazy Sunday.

And most of all, thanks to my so missed grandmother for a wonderful memories she presented me with.


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